So if one country stumbles, you are going to feel the prices on the markets immediately. 因此,如果一个国家的粮食产量有问题的话,你就会立刻感觉到市场物价的上涨。
We are going to tune the stockquote example to allow us to get stock prices adjusted by currency. 我们将调整股票报价例子,使之允许我们可以根据货币符号来得到不同的股票价格。
The margins have shrunk and they are shrinking fast, so if one country stumbles, you are going to feel the prices on the markets immediately. 全球食品产量的盈余已经在减小,而且减小的速度很快。所以,一旦一个国家出现粮食问题,你就会立刻感觉到市场上物价的变化。
'Prices are getting crazy excessive and as long as we continue to buy sneakers, Nike is going to keep increasing the prices,' said Donell Brown, 30, who owns a cleaning services company in Dearborn, Mich. 30岁的唐奈尔•布朗(DonellBrown)在密歇根州迪尔伯恩开有一家清洁服务公司。他说,价格涨得太高了,只要我们不断买运动鞋,耐克就会不断涨价。
Residential property is a big mess for the Chinese government and it's not going away. Last month, prices on new homes leapt 7.4% in June 2012 the biggest uptick since last December. 居民住宅是中国的一个烂摊子,并且不会立刻消失。上个月,房价上涨了7.4%,这是过去十二个月以来最大上扬。
For example, if the stock market has gone from 10 times earnings to 20 times, getting the same return going forward means prices climbing to 40 times earnings. 例如,如果股市的市盈率已经从10倍上升到了20倍,那在未来要获得相同的回报就意味着股票的市盈率需攀升到40倍。
So you add that many new players and that much new money, but you do not add any more than a10 percent increase in oil supply and, of course, you are going to have higher prices. 因此,增加了这些新的市场参与者和大量新的投资资金,但石油供应的增加幅度不超过10%,当然油价就会上升。
South Asia is going to be very vulnerable to high commodity prices, Mr Ali said. 南亚将很容易受到大宗商品价格高企的冲击,阿里表示。
We are moving to the next phase of shrinking consumption – some call it deflation – production going down and prices going down. 我们将进入收缩消费的下一阶段&有人称之为通货紧缩:产出下降,价格下跌。
I'm not going to buy a car at the present high prices. 以目前的高价,我不打算买小汽车了。
And over the past few years it was largely the prices of housing and medical care that were going up, while other prices were either flat or falling. 在美国,近年来价格上涨的主要是住房和医疗服务,而其余价格不是持平就是在下跌。
Oil is going to continue at high prices in comparison to the last two-three years, he said, meaning that prices would not drop below the$ 30-$ 40 a barrel average of 2003-2004. 与过去两三年相比,油价将继续处在高位。拉托表示。他的意思是指油价不会降到2003年至2004年平均每桶30至40美元以下的水平。
The temperature is going down; The barometer is falling; Real estate prices are coming down. Experiment on decreasing temperature and removing humidity for silkworm room in high temperature and humidity season of southern China 温度正在下降;气压下降了;房地产价格正在下降。南方高温多湿季节蚕房降温排湿试验初报
This is going to cause inventories to rebalance and prices to realign between inland and coastal locations. 该方案将使内陆和沿海地区之间的库存恢复平衡,价格也会得到重新调整。
In fact, families are going backwards as prices continue to rise ahead of wages. 事实上,由于物价涨幅持续高于薪资,百姓的生活正在倒退。
The stock market is going up and house prices are rising. 股市上扬、房价上涨。
The government's going to come unstuck if prices keep rising. 如果物价继续上涨,政府就会摇摇欲坠。
In the meantime, if all regions attempt to maintain high growth through macroeconomic stimulus, the main result is going to be higher commodity prices and ultimately a bigger crash in the not-too-distant future. 在此期间,如果世界所有地区都试图通过宏观经济刺激保持高增长,其主要后果将会是更高的大宗商品价格,以及在不太远的将来最终出现更严重的经济崩溃。
Millions of poor Americans risk going hungry if food prices continue to rise and food agencies struggle to cope with rising costs, dwindling resources and a huge increase in demand. 如果食品价格持续上涨,而食品机构难以应付不断升高的成本、日益减少的资源以及需求的大幅上升,数百万美国穷人有可能挨饿。
However, Mr Birol said that efforts to curb oil speculation were "a good step", but were not going to significantly reduce prices. 然而,比罗尔表示,虽然限制油价投机行为的努力是“一个好的举措”,但不会显著压低油价。
Yes, it is going through the roof. Rising prices were the company's downfall. 物价上涨是那家公司倒闭的原因。
Imagine going to a retail site and instead of seeing pictures and prices, looking through an interactive catalog. 您想象一下吧:走进一家零售店不是光看看照片和价格,而是在互动的目录中寻找您想要的东西。
With less land available for development, plots at auctions are going for ever-higher prices. 可用于开发的土地越来越少,地块拍卖价格越来越高。
Everything is going their way: sky-high gas prices, a weak economy and a deeply unpopular president. 所有一切都正按其路径发展:天价高的油价,经济疲软,很不得人心的总统。
With a lot more social unrest in the world, more governments are going to fall, more countries are going to fall, because we're going to have serious increases in prices of agriculture. 伴随着世界范围的社会动荡,更多的政府将会瘫痪,更多的国家将会乱,因为我们将会面临农产品价格的飙涨。
The contradiction between the limitation of macro-control and the complexity of the reasons that lead to the quick going up of the housing prices need to be defused through this reform. 宏观调控手段和措施的有限性与当前住房价格过快上涨原因的复杂性之间的矛盾需要改革来化解;
The interest rate is nearly going in opposite direction to asset prices. The Central Bank is subsidizing investors and it is harmful to build the consumption-orientated economy in China. 央行的利率与资产价格上涨几乎呈反方向趋势,是在补贴投资者,不利于中国消费支撑经济增长模式的形成。